Sunday 23 February 2014

Congratulations to Colin

The Reverend Colin James,  honorary priest at All Saints Church, was congratulated in church as today is 45 years exactly since he began his public ministry in the Church of England, at All Saints Church. He first preached as a newly-licensed Lay Reader on 23rd February 1969, two days before his 30th birthday. Since then Colin has preached hundreds if not thousands of sermons and taken many services in this parish. He was ordained to the priesthood in 1997.

Saturday 22 February 2014

Have you been ASKed?

All Saints Church is making a fresh plan of action which will map the way ahead for the church over the next three to five years.

The first phase works out where the church is - geting as much input from as many sources as possible inside and outside the church. Anyone connected to All Saints Church can give their view by answering a simple set of questions.

The Rector , Canon David Hodgson said:

"The first phase of this process we are calling ASK – All Saints Konversations. As a church Let's look at who we are – what we stand for; and what we are doing.  Let's ask if we are doing the right things here and now. Let's ask God in prayer; let's ask our local community  and let's talk and ask among ourselves; the members and friends and supporters of this church – are we doing the right things now to serve God's love, meeting the needs in our community? What should we choose to start doing, what should we stop doing, and what should we do differently? And why? "

Saturday 1 February 2014

Celebrating Candlemas this weekend

This weekend 1st and 2nd February we celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of Christ: traditionally known as Candlemas; proclaiming Christ as a light for all nations. 

There will be lots of music in our worship - both traditional and contemporary. 

At 4pm today Saturday 1st February we begin the celebration with Choral Evensong for the Eve of Candlemas. Tomorrow Sunday 2nd February the 9.30am service is an All Together Communion for Candlemas with All Saints Choir, Music Group and Junior Church singing.

At 6.30pm on Sunday there will be the final Choral Evensong of the weekend concluding with the Procession with Candles.

For more details of the music at these services visit