Monday, 24 November 2014

Large gatherings in November to remember the departed

November has seen large gatherings for services at All Saints Parish Church, to remember the departed.

Civic and public services representatives, church leaders and serving members of the armed Services from REME  and veterans joined members of statutory,voluntary and youth organisations for the town's Civic and Ecumenical Remembrance Sunday service. This made the largest attendance at this event on current records. The service had a focus on the centenary of the First World War. The name of every serviceman of the town of Wokingham who lost his life in the First World War was recited; representative names of the those of our twin towns of Viry-Chatillon and Erftstadt were also read. Those attending the service received a commemorative facsimile of  the booklet of St John's Gospel given to 1WW servicemen.  Wokingham MP the Rt Hon John Redwood read from the Bible. The Rev'd Nick Hudson, Wokingham Baptist minister, preached on the confidence and courage which faith in God  can offer in the face of the storms of life. All Saints Church Choir sang pieces from the Requiem by John Rutter.  The service was led by Canon David Hodgson, Rector of  Wokingham All Saints, assisted by The Rev'd Anna Harwood and The Revd Colin James both of All Saints parish ; and by The Revd Deborah Davison representing the parish of Wokingham St Paul with Woosehill. Lt Col. Clare Philips , Commander of REME's Arborfield base, assisted with the reading of the names of the fallen. 

A week later the church was again full on a Sunday afternoon for the annual memorial service to commemorate and give thanks for departed loved ones. Family members and friends bereaved in recent years gathered to remember those they had lost. The names of the departed whose funerals have been conducted in the past year by All Saints parish ministers were read out, together with others whose families wished them to be remembered, and a candle was lit for each person. Canon David Hodgson, Rector, preached and led the service assisted by The Rev'd Anna Harwood, Associate Priest. The service was organised and run by the All Saints Bereavement Care team; refreshments were offered to attendees at the end of the service.

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