Monday 15 June 2015

Music Festival blog: Japanese music debuts at All Saints Church

Festival blog
History was made at All Saints Church last night, with the first-ever public performance of Japanese music in the venue. In the second concert of the Church's Summer Music Festival, two of the UK's most revered specialists of the genre entranced the audience with pieces played on the traditional Japanese zither and bamboo flute.

Keiko Kitamura (zither)  and Clive Bell (flute) are the Floating World Ensemble. Used to playing in London and other larger centres, they were playing in Wokingham for the first time; notwithstanding that Japanese-born Keiko has made her home in Wokingham for some years.

Canon David Hodgson, Rector of the Church "It was my first experience of a concert of Japanese music. I was delighted and astounded by the skill and virtuosity of the players. It was breath-takingly beautiful music"

A surprise piece, saved until the encore, was Keiko's own composition of a solo piece for the koto (zither), entitled 'Find a Place' based on her experience of finding a settled home in Wokingham. 

Director of Music Richard Smith: "This festival is about bringing internationally renowned and local talent to the heart of our community. You could say we are a "real music" festival with our focus on music rooted in living cultures and communities."

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