Saturday 13 February 2016

Four Spring concerts: " something for everyone"

Duo  Dorado
The All Saints concerts team write:

"Whether your taste is Baroque, folk, choral or world music there is something for you in the next few weeks.  Our next Baroque concert on Wednesday 24th February features Duo Dorado with  a varied and colourful programme of music from the courts and theatres of Restoration London.   Hazel Brooks and David Pollock, have a wide repertoire on their instruments -  harpsichord and violin. Apparently they enjoy performing in less usual venues including museums, schools, village halls, libraries and even a Roman villa – so come and hear how they enjoy playing in All Saints Church.
Book tickets here

At our last concert Hannah Martin told us that she found the All Saints acoustic and overall ambience excellent for the folk music she was playing with her partner – Phil Henry.

 It was an excellent start to our Folk series which continues on Friday 4th March with Peter Knight’s Gigspanner. Coincidentally Phil Henry and Hannah Martin will be touring in Australia with Gigspanner in late March.  Our advance ticket sales indicate that the Gigspanner concert will be popular.  Come and judge for yourself and whether the description given them by Spiral Earth is justified – in their view they are ““A glorious musical tour de force. Simply exquisite”

On Tuesday 1st March we have something different - when Ahmed Mukhtar, treats us to an exploration of the refined classical music of Iraq, as part of the World Music series.  It will be good to be inspired by Ahmed Mukhtar’s exquisite playing of the oud in contrast the regular depressing news that comes from that country.  The  concert  will include a conversation in which he will guide us towards a deeper understanding of the style. 

Our early spring concerts then conclude with a choral performance from the Reading A440 choir on Saturday 12th March.  Don’t expect a traditional choral concert:  The distinctive identity of this choir lies in the inclusion in their concerts of original cantatas that tell stories through choral music blended with other storytelling elements such as narration, visual presentation, or other non-choral arts."

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