Wednesday 16 March 2016

Parishioners donate for Easter flowers and remember departed loved ones

Easter flowers by the High Altar in 2014

Parishioners in Wokingham are invited to donate to the cost of flowers to be arranged in All Saints Church for Easter Sunday. Departed loved ones will be remembered and their names, if requested, will be displayed in the church.

Hazel Matthews of All Saints Flower Guild writes:

"Easter is a little earlier this year, falling on Sunday 27th March and is a time when not only do we celebrate the resurrection and new life but also remember those no longer with us. We value your donations to purchase Lilies and Easter flowers. On the Prayer Table, just inside the church door, you will find brown Flower Guild envelopes. If you wish to donate, please complete the form on the front of the envelope. Names of those remembered will be listed within  the black memory frame  during the Easter period.  

Envelopes may be given to either Hazel Matthews, Gail Houghton, Lois Barrell or a member of the Flower Guild."

"As always,  foliage is greatly appreciated.  So before you trim it down think of Flower Guild!  Please leave it outside the Vestry door by 9.30 on Saturday morning.   Chipped conifer is also needed for the Easter Garden."

"Easter Arranging will take place on Saturday 26th March commencing at 9.30am.  Any children who would like to help with the Easter Garden would also be welcome. If you are available to help in some way please contact me,  Hazel Matthews."

The Easter Garden at All Saints in 2014

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