Monday 25 April 2016

Annual Church Meeting update

Parishioners came together last Sunday morning for the All Saints Church Annual Meeting . The meeting was opened in prayer by the Rector using a prayer from the Partnership for Missional Church process. The meeting elected church wardens and church councillors; received the 2015 Annual Report and 2015 Annual Accounts from the Parochial Church Council;  heard from the Rector and Associate Rector about the life and mission of the parish;  and discussed issues and matters of concern.

Anne King was thanked on the completion of her current term as church warden. Steve Smith was thanked as he stepped down from 14 years in total as church Treasurer. A new Treasurer will be appointed by the Parochial Church Council next month. Clive Charlton was elected as church warden by the people and Geoff Davies appointed as church warden by the Rector. A third church warden was not appointed in the absence of any nominations.

Graham Leeson was elected as a new member of Deanery Synod. There were no new additions to the Parochial Church Council though some existing members were elected to serve a second term. There are currently 4 vacancies on the Parochial Church Council.

Four existing representatives of local residents and centre users of the Cornerstone were re- elected to serve on the Cornerstone Steering Group.

Revd Anna Harwood, Associate Rector, gave a presentation with photographs of stories of the journey of faith of members of the new growing Family Service and Messy Church congregations under the theme of living water of Jesus. 

Revd Canon David Hodgson, Rector of the parish, gave an overview of the life and mission of the Church under the theme of the church as being on a journey of pilgrimage. Rector's report and other Reports may be read here

There were discussions about the excess of expenditure over income in 2015; about the financial aspects of the concert programme and other music; and about improving communication of strategies and decisions across the whole church membership.

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