Friday 15 July 2016

Volunteer Independent Visitors for Looked After Children and Young People

All Saints Church has been asked to let parishioners know about the opportunity to volunteer as an Independent Visitor for Looked After children and young people in Wokingham.

Luci Roberts our local area co-ordinator of the scheme writes:

"Independent Visitors provide a reliable friendship and support service to a young person living in foster care or residential home. Our young people need someone who can make a difference to their future.

We need motivated, child focussed volunteers to befriend children and young people who are looked after by the local authority. You don’t need special qualifications, but patience, stamina and a non-judgemental attitude is essential. You will need to commit a few hours each month. In return for your commitment we can offer you supervision, training and support. The reimbursement of travel expenses and an activity allowance will be provided."

Please contact Luci Roberts, IV Coordinator on 07920 183656 or by email at

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