Saturday 7 March 2015

All Saints Church launches "Willing Spirit Exercise"

"If your spirit is willing these classes are for you.." that's the message at Willing Spirit Exercise - a new initiative of All Saints Church to provide exercise opportunities for all in the local community.

Led by qualified gym instructor Jo Asplin (who also happens to be the Parish Administrator) the new exercise classes launch on 18th March in The Cornerstone. There will be a 30 minute lunchtime "Work that Tummy" session and also a  Simple Circuit class every Wednesday afternoon. All ages and abilities will be catered for.

Jo Asplin said; "I feel this is an opportunity for All Saints Wokingham to support the wider community and show that All Saints is not only somewhere people go on a Sunday but nurtures the bodily and emotional needs of individuals as well as their spiritual needs. I feel passionately about guiding others towards a healthy lifestyle which they in turn can pass on to their families and future generations.” 

Full details on the church website

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