The Annual Meeting takes place on 26th April at 11am in The Cornerstone
It will have 3 sections – the first will be a brief annual meeting of The Cornerstone to elect reps on its Steering Group; the second part is the “Vestry Meeting” - theoretically a meeting of all parish residents to elect our churchwardens for the coming year; and finally the meeting of church members, the Annual Parochial Church Meeting when we elect our Parochial Church Councillors and hear receive various reports about the church, including the Rector's report.
This year we'll be talking about our new Vision and Priorities as a parish which were developed during 2014. The new Annual Report will be available, full of information about all the many different and interesting aspects of the church's life. The Annual Accounts will be presented too. There will be some challenges in them showing that we need to increase our regular income if we are to carry on supporting the activities we believe sincerely need to be done to witness to Christ and share God's love in this place. If you want to get a good picture of what your church is doing in God's service right now – and if you are able to show your support for those who will be volunteering to stand for posts of responsibility in our church - then come along to the Annual Meeting. It'll finish by 12.30pm.
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