Saturday 4 April 2015

Second successful joint parishes marriage exploration day held

A joint marriage exploration day was held at The Cornerstone on the last Saturday in  March. Eight couples preparing to be married at three churches - All Saints Wokingham ; St Paul, Wokingham, St Catherine Bearwood - met together to explore issues affecting married life  as well as to start planning the big day itself. Sessions were led by the Rectors of the three parishes and The Revd Colin James. (The Revd Anna Harwood was prevented through illness on the day from taking part). Welcome coffee and lunch was provided by the All Saints hospitality team led by Jacqui Headland. Our Director of Music Richard Smith led a session playing examples of wedding music on the All Saints church organ. This was the second of two days jointly organised by the three parishes in the first half of 2015 for couples getting married this summer and autumn.

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