Giving the main address at today's Parish Communion service was Kat Vaughan the Parish Youth Leader. Kat spoke about the motivation of Christians to reach out and support young people today; based on the need for sacrificial love following the example of Jesus.
Kat said: "This is a commitment we've made as a church; with our vision to be a loving church, accessible to all,including children and youth".
Kat described some of the current activities with youth including the important work at St Crispin's School, including mentoring, and the way prayer and the Holy Spirit had opened doors. A rolling slideshow with pictures before the service illustrated the main points. (Link here to view all slides).
Kat also outlined the youth objectives in the Parish Mission Action Plan (see details below) and made a call for everyone to get involved in some way.
Youth priority in All Saints' Parish Mission Action Plan
Encourage all young people to grow in faith by making it relevant to
( Leaders: Kat Vaughan and Kevin Wernham)
Current specific objectives
· Raise the profile of the youth in church- to have young people stand at
the front 3 times before Christmas 2014.
· Research styles of service with the view of starting a youth friendly service at
some point in the week – complete research using visits to other churches by
April 2015.
· To have a group available for young people that is mainly social but with a
chunk of Christian input into it, in addition to the current youth social – by
end October 2015.
· Mentoring scheme for young people – details, timeline to be discussed.