Saturday 23 May 2015

Large audience for lecture by John Bell on Sexuality

A large audience gathered at All Saints Church last Wednesday evening to hear John Bell, international Christian speaker, writer and musician, speak on the topic of Sexuality and the Church. The topics covered by the lecture included:  What does the Bible actually teach about homosexuality? How can the church move away from its homophobic image? What are key issues for the church around same-sex marriage? Can we view gayness as a gift, rather than an issue? 

John spoke from his wide reading, deep listening and friendships with gay Christians and others. He explained how he believed that faithfulness to the authority of Scripture need not be a barrier to acceptance of gay relationships and equality because Scripture does not really address this matter.  He showed how many culturally-determined practices such as slavery and apartheid had been defended in the past by the abuse of Scripture. He called for compassion, acceptance and welcome by Christians and the Church for gay people; and that their need for fulfilling personal relationships should be recognised and celebrated by the church just as heterosexual relationships are. 

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