Saturday 16 May 2015

What is CC2020?

Much interest has been aroused by this special display in the church entitled CC2020. 

But what is CC2020? 

Currently it's the working name of a research project. The CC2020 group is doing the background research for one of the objectives in All Saints Mission Action Plan -  to adapt the church building into an environment appropriate for 21st century worship and other activities, making it more versatile as a venue, with things like a good welcoming area, full accessibility, and up to date AV, lighting and heating systems. 

Rector Canon David Hodgson said: "Do have a look at the display next time you are in church; it's a very good way into understanding what this part of our Mission Action Plan is all about."

Anne King, churchwarden, co-ordinating the CC2020 project said

" Do tell us if you happen to visit a church elsewhere which has been through this process already - we'd love to find out more about what other places have done -  what has worked well and what has not worked so well. Especially ask about what uses the adaptation have made possible which were not possible before".

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