Sunday, 16 October 2016

Flower Guild News

All Saints Flower Guild had an enjoyable and rewarding time on 1st October arranging for Harvest. Assistance was given by over 20 enthusiastic members during Friday and Saturday morning (see below). 

Flower Guild Chairman Mrs Hazel Matthews writes:
As we progress through October with some glorious sunshine giving us the gift of beautiful colours, our thoughts turn to All Saints Day, Remembrance, Memorial Sunday and especially Advent with winter foliage arrangements and candles for that beautiful Advent Candlelit Service on Sunday 27th at 6.30. 

Now it is time to ask for volunteers for Advent to help with arranging on Saturday 26th November.  The list is open and we would love to see you – come and see what we do, try an arrangement, or position candles.  All are welcome and you just might get a cup of tea and a bun! To find out more, have a chat to either Sarah Boylan, Hazel Matthews or other Flower Guild members after 9.30 or before 11am service or call on 0118 9786700.

Yes, it is coming, the Christmas Workshop. Open to all, it will take place on Saturday 10th December in the Cornerstone, commencing at 09.30.  Two talented members will be demonstrating two options, a) a circular wreath which can be used either as a centrepiece with church candle, or adapted with ribbon as a door hanging, or b) a short oblong arrangement with amaryllis, seasonal foliage and trimmings.   Spaces are limited - last booking - Monday 28th November.Forms are at the back of the church, or obtainable by e-mail . Cost is £15.00 to include mechanics, materials/flowers and guidance, also refreshments!  (cheques payable to All Saints Flower Guild).  Do come along and beginners are welcome.  The morning is always enjoyable and you will certainly be taking home a very special arrangement, in preparation for Christmas.

Forthcoming Events: 
Advent Arranging Saturday 26th November – 9.30am
Christmas Workshop Saturday 10th December - 9.30am – the Cornerstone
Christmas Arranging Thursday 22nd December – 9.30 Flower Guild Communion followed by arranging.

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