Sunday 16 October 2016

Talking about God - Partnership for Missional Church

Berkshire Partnership for Missional Church cluster gathering at Bughfield Parish Church  15th October 2016

The Partnership for Missional Church (PMC) Steering team at All Saints reports:

"We were advised that to have a good meeting food had to be involved!  With that in mind, the PMC Steering team organised Space to Talk About God with a bring and share lunch in the Cornerstone  in September.  The team brought those present up to speed about what had been happening.  During the first PMC year we learned to listen and also to discover who our partners were (eg schools, other churches).  Listening involved interviews, All Saints timeline and Dwelling in the Word – all trying to discern what God is calling us to do at All Saints.
A few weeks later more food was involved.  The Steering Team (all 4 of us) and members of the PCC joined with All Saints Boyne Hill to try and discern what God wanted us to do in our various churches.  The focus had to be outward looking and would probably look very fuzzy.  By the end of the session we had a few ideas of where God was leading us at All Saints (still to be determined).
What happens next?
·         We are now looking for an adventure leader and team to carry these ‘fuzzy’ ideas forward.  This project will last about 10 months and it doesn’t matter whether it succeeds or fails.  All that matters, is that we will be working together as a church towards something that God is calling us to do.
·         We need more members to join us on the steering team.
·         We need a very enthusiastic congregation who will venture with us with the ‘fuzzy’ project."

For more information please speak to either Peter Barrett, Clive Charlton, John Boylan or Jo Robinson

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