Saturday 17 September 2016

Rector blogging for Creation Time

An image of gathering rain-clouds over Sharp Haw, which overlooks Airedale in North Yorkshire
All Saints Rector, Canon David Hodgson, is blogging about the creation every day during the season of Creation Time. Each posting offers a different image of the created world from his own collection, with some thoughts for reflection.

He said:
" I wanted a way to keep up the momentum of  observing the Creation Time season through the whole of the period. There is so much for which to thank God and to marvel at in creation. There are also many challenges we need to face to care for the earth. Our Christian faith and hope offer unique spiritual resources for rising to those challenges and these resources need to be shared with as wide an audience as possible.".

The Church of England’s lead bishop for the environment is Rt Revd Nicholas Holtam Bishop of Salisbury Said recently:

"It will do us all good to stop, fast, think and pray about the need to care for God's good but fragile creation. We live at a time when human activity has caused a dramatic reduction in the earth's biodiversity and when people are causing climate change through our profligate use of fossil fuels. A consensus has emerged about the need to move to a low carbon economy....Whatever the scientific, economic and political difficulties, at root this is a spiritual problem. Prayer helps clarify what we want and strengthens our determination for God's will to be done on earth as it is in heaven."

Creation Time in churches begins every year on the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation (1st September) and lasts until the Feast of St Francis on 4th October. During this time Christians are encouraged to celebrate the glory of God shown in creation, to pray for the protection of the creation; and to promote sustainability to reverse human damage to the environment including climate change. At All Saints Church  during Creation Time the Parish  Communion service at 9.30am  is using a specially-adapted liturgy to encourage worshippers to cherish God's creation.

To access the Rector’s Creation Time blog visit or visit the church's Facebook page or follow the link on the church website

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